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Selected Aeon Acquisitions

BREATHTAKING. From first cry to last sigh, we do it without a thought. Yet the benefits of conscious breathing are truly remarkable by M.M. Owen. February 2019.


TIME-BOMBING THE FUTURE. Synthetics created in the 20th century have become an evolutionary force, altering human biology and the web of life by Rebecca Altman. January 2019.


TOTAL ECLIIPSE. Even with loving parents and caring therapists, a child whose diagnosis came too late can lose the fight by Deanna Csomo McCool. April 2019.


SAILING INTO THE STORM. Acceptance and commitment therapy teaches us how to live a values-driven life even in the face of dark emotions and trauma by Joseph Trunzo. April 2019.


THE MACHO SPERM MYTH. The idea that millions of sperm are on an Olympian race to reach the egg is yet another male fantasy of human reproduction by Robert Martin. August 2018. 


HAUNTED BY HISTORY. War, famine and persecution inflict profound changes on bodies and brains. Could these changes persist over generations? by Pamela Weintraub. April 2018. 


NOT YOUR TIBETAN BUDDHISM. Behind the beatific image of Tibetan Buddhism lies a dark, complicated reality. But is it one the Western gaze wants to see? by Mark Hay. April 2018. 


WE ARE MULTITUDES. Women are chimeras, with genetic material from both their parents and children. Where does that leave individual identity? By Katherine Rowland. January 2018.


AFTERGLOW. The intensity of orgasm is sublime, but the gentle love cocktail that follows is what helps relationships to endure by Tove Danovich. November 2017.


WHERE PAIN LIVES. Fixing chronic back pain is possible only when patients understand how much it is produced by the brain, not the spine by Cathryn Ramin. September 2017. 


ALIENS IN OUR MIDST. The ctenophore’s brain suggests that, if evolution began again, intelligence would re-emerge because nature repeats itself by Douglas Fox. August 2017.


TOUCHED. We ride a stream of naked neurons, stripped of their sheaths, to the most blissful moments and deepest intimacies of life by Stephen Phelps. April 2017.


LIVING IN THE NOW She can paint, but not name a painting; learn new music without knowing a tune. Lonni Sue is teaching us much about memory. by Michael Lemonick. February 2017.


LATTE PAPPAS. Sweden’s hands-on dads represent an alternative male form forged by lowered testosterone and the potent hormones of attachment by Richard Orange. January 2017. 


THE CASE AGAINST SUGAR. A potent toxin that alters hormones and metabolism, sugar sets the stage for epidemic levels of obesity and diabetes by Gary Taubes. December 2016. 


BAD FRIENDS. Even the best of friends can fill you with tension and make you sick. Why does friendship so readily turn toxic? by Carlin Flora. December 2016. 


MY SPOTLESS MIND. Imagine purging life’s disturbing events. If you could alter or mute your worst memories would you still remain yourself? by Lauren Gravitz. August 2016.


FALLING FOR SLEEP. When wakefulness is seen as the main event, no wonder so many have trouble sleeping. Can we rekindle the joy of slumber? by Rubin Naiman. July 2016.


RIGHT ON TRACK. If there is a greater thrill of travelling than the discovery of unfamiliar places, for me it’s getting there by train by Margarita Gokun Silver. July 2016. 


THE EMPTY BRAIN. Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer by Robert Epstein. May 2016.


UNDERCOVER ATHEISTS. Seduced by science and rationalism, yet tied to their families and communities, Hasidic atheists opt for a double life by Batya Ungar-Sargon. February 2015. 


THE POWER OF STORY. Across time and culture, stories have been agents of personal transformation – in part because they change our brains by Elizabeth Svaboda. January 2015. 


THE END OF WALKING. In Orwellian fashion, Americans have been stripped of the right to walk, challenging their humanity, freedom and health by Antonia Malchik. August 2015. 


INTO THE DEEP. Just when you crave one more sensual hit, the void of the float tank stops time, strips ego and unleashes the mind by M.M. Owen. July 2015.


POOR TEETH. If you have a mouthful of teeth shaped by a childhood in poverty, don’t go knocking on the door of American privilege by Sarah Smarsh. October 2014.


CUTTING. It brings relief because emotion and pain criss-cross in the brain. Can we untangle the circuits and stop self-harm? by Carrie Arnold. October 2014. 


STOOP STORIES. My black friends call it Murderland. My white friends call it Charm City, a town of trendy cafés. I just call it home by D. Watkins.  June 2014. 


THE INTIMACY OF CROWDS. Crowds aren’t really crazed – they are made of highly co-operative individuals driven to shared interests and goals by Michael Bond. May 2014. 


THE CAMPING CURE. Living outside changes you. When environmental illness left me too sick to stay in my high-rise, I turned to nature to heal by Gillian Neimark. January 2014. 

















© 2023 by Pamela Weintraub. 

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